Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Public Safety VS Civil Rights

      Public Safety is more important than the civil rights, cause of its great importance. Civil Rights are rights that protect people from discrimination of race, gender, age, gender identity, and place of origin. As for public safety protects you from any dangers that will, have, or has happened and will help you from any harm, injuries, damages, crimes, and any manmade, or nature accidents (bomb, wild fire, epidemic)

Public Safety is more important because during a flu epidemic the A/H1N1 people have considered to quarantine/detain the disease by keeping the infected trapped like rats in a cage causing more harm than good if the Public Safety was enforced people wouldn’t have been quarantined like the people infected have either been transferred to another place or quarantinedSome 300 people have spent the past week quarantined in their hotel in Hong Kong after one guest fell ill with the virus, while Mexicans and Canadians were detained in mainland China.”

Civil Rights is more important for for the freedom of speech and that it goes with the first amendment and that it allows people to get jobs like people could not hire them because of the color of their skin, even for anything they could have done in the past, that’s why so they have the right to get a job or buy anything they want, so in a way it’s also useful to get a job or but Hot Cheetos.

So public Safety protects your human rights to live and practically anything even if your contagious, you will have the rights to go around walking, and as well controls the police department, hospitals, etc. And for the civil rights that protects your freedom of speech, the right to get a job “ even if you go to jail or something , and discrimination. So by some people they’ll think public safety is more important, but in my opinion public safety is more important.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Digital law Facts

Rigth now I'm doing better than I was doing my project, considering I know what to do now, I still need a lot more information for my topic, let alone the thing to make a vidoe about it. I still don't know what my thing is even  about. All I know is that the law was signed in October 28, 1998. And that it's name WIPO means Copyrigh and performances Phonograms Treaties Implemention.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Digital Access Sentences And Questions

A website that's  sheding some ligth to people that can't afford internet anymore. A small team that travels communities  across the countries to talk about stories.

People that don't have the connections to houses, work or any other computer access.

Me not having alot of access to htings could impoact my grades, for not alot of information on my work so it could become a huge treath.

Make us look weaker as o whole considering we won't be able to have fast speed internet like the others.

Ask for help from another country with high internet speed or just tell the scientist to make something.

To make people have faster internet without delay or seconds waste.

To add one digit to make the internet go faster, or just ask computer hackers  how considering they are so good with computers.

Make a connection where they can keep the place open.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Digital Access

So what technology is technology there will always be some glitches, but in a good three to four years that problem will be solved, and a knew problem will be involved because of the problem they have solved. So either way there will always be a problem so I don't think much about it until the whole internet breaks or crashes down completely.

Not much people always have ways to cope with some problems with the internet like blocking sites hackers make sites to help us go around, under, and over the blocking sites  so we will find ways to coop so ill be okay unless hachers quit their jobs.

I will teach him the ways to goaround the internet with ease , considering I am learning computers I will teach him what I've learned here. And if that fails well he better hope hes got a good teacher then.